Monday, December 9, 2013

Peer Review

I met with Noah and Ailaina, who both gave me some great feedback. Theysaid that they were interested in seeing which medium I would focus on more in the future. As someone who isn't absolutely positive where I want to take my career, it was nice to hear that they are seeing more of my confidence coming through in painting; as that is where I am enjoying my work the most. They mentioned that I may need to spend more time than others might have to on their work just because of my personal goal to achieve hyper-realism in my art. I definitely agree with that feedback since I do find myself not only enjoying the meditation-like experience of detail work, but I also find myself eager to see the end result, and rushing through the final parts that can often end up being the most important parts. As a result of the peer review, I really realize that as an artist I am going to need to push through inspiration-lulls and feel out how to best manage my time.

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